How to read commands
The commands below have some punctuation that may need explaining. Some commands are followed by a set of <>'s, <> means whatever is inside is required for the command to work. But you leave out the <>'s themselves. So if it says /mute <player>, and you wanted to use it on Steve, you'd need to put /mute Steve in order for it to work. [] means whatever is inside is optional, and the command will work without it. Once again, leave the []'s out of the final command. And finally, a | means OR, which means you have a choice of multiple things to go into the command, but can only choose one. Hope this helps!
Storing Experience
You can now store experience in bookshelves! Store it by right-clicking, retrieve it by left-clicking! However, use at your own risk, as anyone can store/take experience from the bookshelf!
Standard Commands
- /spawn
- Warps you to the spawn zone.
- /sethome
- Sets your home point for use with the /myhome command which is explained below.
- /home
- Sends you to your set home. You can only use this once every 30 minutes, and after using it it will take 15 second to 'cast'.
- /mail <read|clear|send [player] [message]>
- Sends a message to a player so that they may receive it when they log in!
- /who
- Shows who is currently online. Holding TAB also does this.
- /motd
- Displays the message of the day.
- /rules
- /time
- Shows the current time in the world of Minecraft.
- /playertime [-r] <time>
- Sets the Time for the player only. The server is unaffected. Essentially used for lighting effects.
- /biome
- Displays current biome. May or may not be broken.
- /me <message>
- Displays the message as an emote!
- /pm <target> <message>
- Sends a private message to the target.
- /mute <player>
- Mutes the player from your chat.
- /unmute <player>
- /afk
- Sets you as Away From Keyboard. Anyone trying to PM you will get a auto-reply stating such.
- /pos
- Gets your current location.
- /whois <player>
- Displays info on the player.
- /ping
- /debug info
- /debug clock
- Performs a measure of the server's clock speed to measure lag.
Item Protection Commads
Any item made protected can only be modified by those who are on the items list. The item cannot be accessed by redstone (unless the tag is on - see below), and cannot be destroyed by those who are not in its list, or even by T.N.T!
- /cprivate
- Allows player to make an item private. Applicable items include:
- Doors - Wooden, Iron, and Trap
- Private double doors will open together upon right clicking.
- Private Iron doors can be opened by right clicking. No redstone needed!
- Chests
- Furnace
- Dispensers
- Signs
- Fence Gate
- Enchanting Table
- /cpassword <password>
- Sets the item as private with the password specified. Passwords only need be entered once per login.
- /cpublic
- Sets an item to Public; meaning anyone can access it, but no one can lock it as their own.
- /cremove
- Removes a protection that you put on an item
- /cunlock <password>
- Unlocks a password protected item for the current login.
- /cmodify <players>
- Adds the player to the list of people able to access the locked item.
- /cinfo
- Displays the info of the item.
- /lwc flag redstone <on/off>
- Allows redstone to activate a locked item. Otherwise, it cannot.